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Scary Skin Care Myths – Do Your Clients Believe Them?

Swiss Skin Care

Despite what social media influencers or beauty blogs will tell you, there’s no magic potion, pill, product, or protocol that will instantly fix skin problems – poof! Just like that. As the expert, it’s your job to help clients distinguish fact from fiction. Let’s dispel some of these not so helpful skin care “tips” that may actually do your client’s skin more harm than good – it’s scary!

1. Natural does not necessarily mean safe. There are many natural products that may seem harmless enough, but that can actually wreak havoc on your clients’ skin.

2. Lemon juice is a good skin brightener. Lemon juice is more irritating than it is helpful, and it can seriously burn skin when exposed to sunlight.

3. Cellulite creams firm the skin. The results are inconsistent, minor, and temporary, if experienced at all.

4. The SPF in makeup or moisturizer is adequate for protection. It may or may not be. Clients should look for products that provide broad spectrum coverage with at least 30 SPF. Most tinted moisturizers contain an SPF of 15 or 20.

5. Start using anti-aging products early. The facial aging process is influenced by a combination of genetics, environment, and lifestyle behaviors, as well as how well, in general, we practice good health. Research shows that a major percentage of premature aging is caused by sun damage (photo aging). The best advice: use sunscreen every day.

6. Chocolate causes acne. While research has shown there is a relationship between diet and acne, dairy products, and low-quality carbohydrates (simple sugars) are primarily responsible.

7. Toothpaste heals blemishes. Toothpaste can actually be very irritating to the skin, causing redness and peeling when applied directly to blemishes.

8. Relying on old school remedies for healing breakouts. Examples include rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and breaking open liquid gel pain relievers. The best solution is to use a product that’s recommended by a professional (that's you!) for your client’s particular skincare needs.

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