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Your Treatment Menu is A Valuable Marketing Tool

Your spa menu is an important tool for communicating to your client exactly who you are as an esthetician, an expert in your field and a business. It will help you sell treatments. A well thought out menu helps guide clients but it’s also an excellent marketing effort.

The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Marketing 101: Benefits sell – not features. Features are important. They give your client important information on how a product or service is used or sold. But the client wants to know what’s in it for them. So always include a benefit of that feature. Ultimately clients are motivated by emotional reasons which they then want to justify with rational ones. Appeal to what your product or service can do for them and you’ll see the benefits in sales. Take a look at these examples:

Feature: Comprehensive auto insurance Benefit: Peace of mind, protection while driving

Feature: Free & Clear Laundry Detergent Pods Benefit: Safe for sensitive or allergic individuals

The feature/​benefit formula works well as long as you remember that a feature is what your product and treatment IS and the benefit is what it DOES for your client. Your client needs to know why they should care, so explain the benefit and focus on selling the result.

When you are describing your treatment, tell the client what the result will be – “Leaves your skin nourished and hydrated.” “Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.” The feature is “Pumpkin enzyme removes dead surface skin cells”

Speak to your tribe: Write for your niche clients. If you’re the go to for anti-aging treatments, your target market would be clients over 35-40. If you’re not into waxing or lashes, don’t include it on your menu. Focus on your unique gifts and what you’re passionate about. This is your opportunity to put the spotlight on exactly what you want.

Highlight Brand Me: Play up how you want to show up. Your spa theme should be designed around how you want clients to see you. Are you a holistic or zen-vibe enthusiast? Are you the queen of the express facial or the sugaring diva? Make sure that’s reflected in your menu copy. Highlight your brand throughout so everything blends beautifully. Here’s an example:

“Awaken your senses, let go and relax on this rejuvenating 60-minute journey to renewal. Detoxify, cleanse and purify your skin while your senses are stimulated from a proprietary combination of restorative organic ingredients and facial massage techniques. We end our treatment with an energizing hand and arm massage to relax your mind and body.”

· Showcase your signature treatments. Guide them toward your high profit treatments and best sellers with special fonts, colors, text boxes, and placement in the menu. (The eye usually first rests on the middle section of a page, then reads left to right. Use this area to place the big-ticket services.)

· Categorize treatments to make it easy to read. Use basic categories, like Packages, Facial Treatments, Body Treatments, Waxing, and Add-ons. Add-ons and upgrades should always be last on the menu. Use a creative approach to naming your categories. Keep choices limited. Make it easy for clients to choose; don’t overwhelm them. Remember a confused mind walks away.

· Clear pricing: Clients want to see the cost for a service in your menu to help them anticipate the costs before booking. Place pricing right below the treatment description. Use simple, rounded numbers instead of $.99 formula which clients equate with “bargain.” Studies show whole numbers for treatments often work better.

· Take out any reference to “me” and “my”. This is about the CLIENT. Clients want to envision themselves with the treatments. Give them ownership – use “you, yours, you’ll” etc.

· Show, don’t tell: Every picture tells a story. You can get royalty free images online or from your skincare product line manufacturer. Make sure you follow usage policies and choose photos to compliment the menu – don’t overpower.

· Don’t overload your menu with too much text or images. Give your clients some white space.

· Typos and grammatical errors ruin your credibility. Edit and proofread – the last thing you want is to print hundreds of menus with errors in them.

· Policies & Contact Info: Include your cancellation policy and booking requirements help your client understand how your business works. These can go on the back of your menu. Use a welcoming approach but be firm. And don’t forget your contact info! Name, address, website, phone number and email should all be easily visible. If there is a preferred contact method or if you offer online booking, let clients know.

· Quality rules. Your treatment menu is a direct reflection on YOU. Choose all your elements carefully and the best your budget will allow. If possible, consider using a graphic designer or have the menus professi­onally printed. We’ve found great designers at very reasonable prices on www.​fiverr.​com and www.​freelancer.​com.

· Research. Find the menus of other spas and critique them. Look at big company spas and evaluate pros and cons to help you create a menu that stands out.

Don’t underestimate the marketing power of your treatment menu. Aside from your website, it can be one of your most effective sales tools.

1 Comment

Oct 11, 2021

Nice blog you have here, thanks for sharing this

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