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Spa Add-Ons: Which Ones Are Right for Your Menu?

Swiss Skin Care

This week's blog post is courtesy of Amra Lear, licensed massage therapist and esthetician. She has more than 30 certifications in massage modalities and esthetics, knowledge of more than 100 modalities, and has been approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork since 1997. If you're unsure about which add-on treatments would work best for your spa - read on for advice and ideas.

When a potential client browses through a massage practice’s menu, relying only on the descriptions of treatments to make a decision, she will eventually select the service that describes her needs. This is why clear explanations of your spa add-ons are important. Spa add-ons include aromatherapy, body wraps and scrubs, as well as treatments that target a specific region of the body such as the hands, feet or face.

There are three kinds of potential clients who will browse the menu: the spa-goer, the duplicator and the newbie.

The spa-goer is the client who has visited various spas and is looking for treatments she has not already experienced.

The duplicator is the client who has visited various spas and receives the same treatment at every spa. In fact, she looks for that same treatment to see if the spa has it on their menu, and if it is not offered, she will not patronize that spa.

The newbie client varies in two forms. The first is the newbie client who has never been to a spa and came on her own to experience a treatment. The second is the newbie client who came as a guest with someone else and is receiving a treatment that was chosen for her.

Based off these three spa clients, the type of customer and her goals will play an important role regarding the way you market any spa add-on.

The Spa-Goer

Of the three types, marketing to the spa-goer is the easiest. Spa-goers pursue certain spas because of their amenities, treatments and validity within the spa industry. Costs of the treatments are not as critical when booking the service of their choice, so add-ons uring the treatment will be easier for the provider.

Spa-goers look for seasonal treatments, signature treatments and award-winning treatments. This type of client is interested in receiving a treatment that has rave reviews and are not easily offered at other spas. They are seeking treatments that are out of the ordinary and will give them something to talk about with other spa-goers.

Think about the keywords you use on your menu. Words and phrases like seasonal, award-winning, signature, exclusive or best of get a client’s attention. These keywords help influence the customer to return to your practice because they will be words that they will remember. Creating seasonal, unique and trendy add-ons will stir the curiosity of the spa-goer and make it difficult to resist the desire to book their next treatment.

The Duplicator

The duplicator client is the hardest client to whom to market add-ons. This client likes consistency and does not like to stray from her normal spa treatment. Her keywords vary: seasonal, award winning and signature do not apply to the duplicator client; instead, she is only looking for one keyword: the name of the treatment she likes.

Add-ons to the duplicator client seem like an unnecessary indulgence. The only way a provider can be upgraded to the duplicator client is by the therapist listening and observing. Listening to the duplicator client’s words and observing her movements during the intake before the treatment begins is the fuel the provider needs to market the add-on.

The provider uses the words of the duplicator and applies them as a need. If the duplicator is having soreness in a certain area of the body, for example, then the provider can reflect the need for a pain-relieving product add-on to help soothe soreness.

If the duplicator really wants more time on the head or the feet, then the provider can offer an add-on that addresses those areas.

Although the duplicator may present a challenge when it comes to marketing add-ons, it is possible if the provider listens and observes, and then responds to the client’s needs with an add-on to enhance her experience.

The Newbie

The last type of client, the newbie, is easily sold on add-ons until she finds out that add-ons may only be had at additional cost. The newbie client came on her own to your practice, and came because she finally found the courage or saved up enough money to receive a treatment.

The newbie client came because of someone else, more than likely had her service paid for, and does not want to accrue additional costs during her treatment. Newbies on a budget will not buy an add-on unless they already budgeted for that add-on treatment prior to booking.

A newbie who is not on a budget but is still a little uncertain as to what kind of add-on to receive during a service may purchase an add-on. The key is to not overwhelm them, as too many options could detour them from booking an add-on.

Using keywords such as: foot, hand, scalp and back make adds-ons relatable. Targeting body areas allows the newbie to know what she is getting with her add-on, and she will feel more comfortable purchasing it. Newbie clients might not know what to expect, but they do know they want to feel a certain way when their treatment is finished.

It is up to the provider to create an experience that will meet their expectations, and even if they were unable to receive an add-on during their first service they will know what to expect next time. This will help guide them in booking their next spa treatment.

Pricing Spa Add-Ons

Spa add-ons can vary in price depending on the treatment.

Massage add-ons, most of the time, are about creating an experience of sensation. Since the client does not walk away with a visual result after the treatment, like a client would after a facial, the massage add-on needs to be marketed to the way a client should feel during or after the treatment.

To enhance the treatment of the client, add-ons can be included in the time of the service or they can be an additional time on top of a treatment. The final price should reflect the time used for the add-on.

Possessing the basic tools to start a marketing strategy for add-ons will help you develop a menu catered to everyone’s needs.

Amra Lear is a dual licensed massage therapist and esthetician. She started her career in 1999 at Canyon Ranch Spa Club at the Venetian and has since transitioned to a high-end resort on the Las Vegas Strip. She has more than 30 certifications in massage modalities and esthetics, knowledge of more than 100 modalities, and has been approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork since 1997.

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